It is with great sadness that the Trustees and staff of The Fund for New Jersey share the news of the passing of our longtime friend, colleague, Chair, and co-Trustee, Leonard Lieberman, who passed away January 3, 2015. We extend our deepest sympathies to Len’s beloved wife Arlene, his daughters, grandchildren, and extended family and to his countless friends in Newark, in New Jersey, and beyond. Len Lieberman will be profoundly missed by all of us at The Fund for New Jersey. For more information, read the full announcement.
The Fund News
The Passing of Len Lieberman
Fourth Quarter Grants Awarded
The Fund for New Jersey is proud to announce that for the fourth quarter of 2014 it has awarded grants in the total amount of $655,000 to advance public policies in the areas of public media, poverty, public education, health, and juvenile justice. Read the full press release here.
Third Quarter Grants Awarded
The Fund for New Jersey is proud to announce that for the third quarter of 2014 it has awarded grants in the total amount of $297,500 to advance public policy in the areas of racial justice, governance issues, education equity, access to higher education, environment, resource preservation, and immigration.
Welcoming Ami Kachalia
We are pleased to welcome to The Fund, Program Associate, Ami Kachalia. Ami brings a passion for policy, which she has explored on issues ranging from women’s representation to immigration, bilingual education, and foreclosure assistance. She is a 2014 graduate of Rutgers, in the Honors Program, the Eagleton Undergraduate Associates Program. Her achievements include participation in the Gardner Fellowship in Leadership & Social Policy Program and the Douglass Residential College. Ami is a recipient of the Barbara Boggs Sigmund Award and the Dean’s Award for Douglass, as well as a member of Phi Beta Kappa. Ami interned at the Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP) at Rutgers, the NJ Department of Education, and the office of Congressman Frank Pallone.
New Jersey Spotlight
Climate Change may hit urban poor the hardest, according to the Climate Adaptation Alliance Report. Click here to read
New Jersey Spotlight
One year after Superstorm Sandy, NJ Spotlight has published a comprehensive article looking at the state’s recovery efforts. Click here to read.
Education Law Center
Featured in NJ Spotlight, highlighting New Jersey’s drop in ranking for fairness in school funding from 2nd to 12th nationally. Click here to read.
New Jersey Citizen Action
Featured in NJ Spotlight for its work enrolling the public in health care under the Affordable Care Act. Click here to read.