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The Fund News

May-July 2019 Grantee News

To learn more about recent efforts by The Fund's grantees, read our May-July 2019 grantee news update.

Census 2020: Next Steps After June 27th U.S. Supreme Court Decision

On June 27, 2019, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the proposed citizenship question cannot, for now, be added to the 2020 Census. (Read the decision.) Given the short timetable, it seems unlikely that the citizenship question could be added. Regardless of the final outcome, we must all stand up for a fair and accurate count of all residents of New Jersey. Read more about what non-profits can do here.

Second Quarter Grants Awarded

The Fund for New Jersey is proud to announce that for the second quarter of 2019 it has awarded grants in the total amount of $1,335,000 to advance public policies in the areas of climate change and clean energy, environmental protection, criminal justice reform and social justice, and transportation.  Read the full press release here.

Spring 2019 Grantee News

To learn more about recent efforts by The Fund's grantees, read our Spring 2019 grantee news update.

The Fund for New Jersey Joins Census 2020 Amicus Brief

The Fund for New Jersey joined 30 foundations and philanthropy-serving organizations nationally in submitting an Amicus Brief to the U.S. Supreme Court opposing the addition of a citizenship question to the 2020 Census. Signatories included national, regional, and state organizations, including private foundations, community foundations, philanthropy serving organizations and a state association of United Ways. Read the full press release here.

First Quarter Grants Awarded

The Fund for New Jersey is proud to announce that for the first quarter of 2019 it has awarded grants in the total amount of $855,652 to advance public policies in the areas of immigration, affordable housing, education, and worker rights.  Read the full press release here.

Fourth Quarter Grants Awarded

The Fund for New Jersey is proud to announce that for the fourth quarter of 2018 it has awarded grants in the total amount of $350,000 to advance public policies in the areas of HIV/AIDS prevention, economic justice, and public media. Read the full press release here.

The Passing of Judge John Gibbons

The Trustees and staff of The Fund for New Jersey honor the legacy of our longtime Trustee Judge John Gibbons, who died December 9, 2018. We extend our deepest condolences to Judge Gibbons’ family, including his four daughters, three sons, sister, brother, and their families. He will be missed by all of us at The Fund for New Jersey. For more information, read the full announcement.

Third Quarter Grants Awarded

The Fund for New Jersey is proud to announce that for the third quarter of 2018 it has awarded grants in the total amount of $280,000 to advance public policies in the areas of education and lead poisoning prevention. Read the full press release here.

March-June 2018 Grantee News

To learn more about recent efforts by The Fund's grantees, read our March-June 2018 grantee news update.

New Jersey needs a Fair and Accurate Census 2020. Check out our website, which includes interactive maps to find Hard to Count (HTC) areas near you, resources, news and more! For more resources, please visit the Advocates for Children of New Jersey website to stay up-to-date with state-wide efforts. Almost everything we know about our population and our communities comes from information collected during the decennial census and its related surveys. When New Jersey residents are not counted, the state loses funding and influence. Read the full policy paper.

2017 Grants in Review

In 2017, The Fund for New Jersey granted almost $2.4 million in funding to improve the quality of public policy decision making in the areas of education, housing, civil rights & criminal justice, and more. Read the full report here
